Monday, 4 March 2013

Backwards Mentality: FIGHT IT!

On social media sites, you see people tweet or status about other people all the time. Directly or indirectly, and this kind of behavior is wrong. If you indulge in this behavior then you HAVE a mental flaw. This is just an example. You need to control your mind, and your mind will then steer your heart the right way. Don't come across bitter, humble yourself, regardless of what anyone else is doing.

I was just like you, it took death for me to realise that I was full of flaws mentally. ARE YOU AWARE, that once you die, people will attend your funeral and talk about you, over your dead corpse, depending on the kind of person you were? In my religion, the more people that are affectionate towards your death the better. Because I go to the afterlife with their prayers and blessings. If I have people that talk bad of me once I die, I will not end up in a good place. It will be painful to my soul.

Be nice, dismiss the actions of other people and focus solely on yourself. It is easy to talk about someone because everything sinful is easy, right? But to dismiss in such talk, shows how strong and  good your character is. Be nice to everyone and I assure you that no one will have a bad thing to say about you. If you don't want to be nice, that's fine. Just don't be bitter, you will find life is much more easier when you're nice.

I just wanted to make a short blog on this because it is something that I want to see less of. Make a change and the change will make you.


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Getting Fit: Novice's Guide

Do you want a better body? And you are absolutely clueless on how you can get that perfect figure? Have no fear, it can be done. I was also once like you, it's not as hard as it seems once you know what you are doing.

If you want to cut the fat off your body, simple. Lower your daily calorie intake by about 500 and cut out processed carbs, minimize general carb consumption. Also eat on time; most of your results will come from the food you eat. I got trim without going to the gym, believe it or not, just from doing this and eating chicken! That doesn't mean you shouldn't go to the gym though, because you should. If I was going to the gym too, I would have made some serious gains. When I eventually discovered the gym, I fell in love with myself and was surprised at my transformation.

People are so fixated on getting a six pack and this is why they fail at the first hurdle. You cannot just focus on one area of your body, you will get no where. It's like having a favorite child that you solely focus on, what kind of parent would that make you? Awful example, but you get the drift.

I don't do any ab exercises and I attained a six pack, how? Low body fat percentage and working other parts of my body. Your abs are your core, they are being worked with most exercises. Abs are just like any other muscle and working them will just stimulate them and make them grow. YOU ALREADY HAVE THEM THOUGH. Do NOT bother doing sit ups with a beer belly because you WON'T get your dream abs. EVERYONE HAS ABS, you see them once your body fat percentage is low.

Don't waste your time, efforts or money on supplements. The only ones I would recommend are: Whey protein and some multivitamins that fulfill your bodies recommended daily intake.


If you would like further advice, whatever your physical aim is, feel free to E-mail me @

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