Saturday, 28 December 2013

Politeness: From The Heart?

Do you ever get the feeling that someone is only being nice to you because there is some sort of reason or agenda behind it? I'm not just talking about that long lost friend who hasn't contacted you in years and is asking for a favor; I'm talking in all aspects. Being kind can either come from the heart of a person or a mind. It is either intentional or unintentional, natural or forced.

I personally do not care how nice a person is to me if they aren't the same with other people. A polite person is polite in general, not occasion. If my 'companion' enjoys the demise of others, it shows that there is a possibility that one day they will enjoy mine (god forbid).

I once had a childhood friend who spoke foul and often bullied other children. We were very good friends and would tell each other things we would not tell other people. One day, we had a disagreement whilst my mother was cooking food for us. He blackmailed me, in my own home. He threatened to spread my disclosure if I did not comply with him. This was all my own fault. I was obviously a child and did not know better, but it taught me a lesson that I will never forget. If a person can be a specific way with other people, they can also be that way with you. If it's not in their nature to be kind or moral (even if you see the best in them), that kindness you are receiving from them is not natural.

So, this brings me on to my next point. Family/relations. In my family, the women are the common culprits of this behavior. I have aunties and relatives who I absolutely adore and although they treat me with great hospitality and what not, I know that it is only a duty for them. They do not feed me because they care about my well being; they feed me because I am related to them. Some even talk to me like I'm their own child, and when I am not in their presence they talk about me like I am someone else's; which in fact is true, but if I see them as my mother figures, why can they not see me as their child figure? The answer to that is simple: Politeness, kindness from the heart.

I have always said that if there is ever a feud in a family and the reason is financially driven. Money is worth much more than the persons morals or soul. There is no right in family feuds. Everyone involved is wrong and are setting extremely horrific examples to their children. Again, feuds and grudges derive from ones heart. It is not just simply a choice, it is an impetus from the heart.

The friends we choose are not always polite. Yes, maybe to you they are and maybe you love their company too. But when the going gets tough, are your friends REALLY there? This brings me onto the gang culture that today's youth are suffering from, even adults who cannot grip the concept of maturity. These people will talk about being 'real', we hear it in their songs and in their videos. Real is reality, in short. These same people that claim to be 'real' will live a lifestyle which results in a death or injury of their friend, attend their funeral or hospital bed and continue living the same lifestyle. Is this REAL-ity? Like I said, politeness from the heart. When under bad influence, a good hearted person will think twice and change their ways. I wrote this paragraph specifically for the younger generation because I have younger siblings and was almost influenced towards that path myself.

Anyway, like I was saying. The friends we choose are not always polite. To you, yes, but think about the way they behave with other people. No one deserves bad treatment, maybe ignorance, but you should not treat someone a way in which you would not like to be treated yourself! If you have nothing nice to say or do, then just do or say nothing. A friend will laugh/smile at you, a true friend will laugh/smile with you.

I had a lot more to say and wanted to go a lot more in detail, but I want people to actually read this blog post instead of looking at how long the text is and not bothering. This is not an issue that can be fixed. Just addressed.

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